If you're managing BOMA certified properties, a waste audit is required every 3 years. A waste reduction plan is an action plan prepared in to reflect the updated waste audit aka "Action Plan".
- The Waste Reduction Work Plan must be prepared in conjunction with the waste audit (conducted in the past three (3) years). Its content should reflect the updated audit. The waste reduction work plan must address all recycling streams in the building, describing ways to increase recycling levels and reduce the waste generated.
- The Waste Reduction Work Plan must include, to the extent that is reasonable, plans to address the 3R’s (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle) hierarchy: Reduction first, followed by Reuse and then Recycling. The waste reduction work plan may fit under a larger waste management plan, but must be action oriented and include identification and planning for the prevention, reduction and diversion of each identified waste stream.
- The Waste Reduction Work Plan sets out, for each initiative or action, those who will implement that action or initiative, timelines for implementation and the expected results. The results should be expressed as a specific diversion target, and can be an overall target for all combined waste categories or a target per waste material category.
- The Waste Reduction Work Plan must be available and communicated to all members of management, the maintenance, custodial and contracted cleaning staff, and all tenants or occupants including food service providers and other retail tenants (for example via the building’s website or intranet service, posting in waste and recycling depot, or in the tenant manual). The Waste Reduction Work Plan must be reviewed every three (3) years to reflect changes in the building strategy, challenges and achievement.
Now that you got your waste reduction plan down, don't forget about your waste audit! Our auditing team is available to assist you with planning and executing your next waste audit, whether it be for ON Reg 102/94 and 103/94, BOMA BEST, LEED, GreenKey, general regulatory compliance or benchmarking, we’ve got you covered!
Book your waste audit with us today!